nindi dinatji nindi ngujarn nindi gundj
nindi djinan yerribi dununak yalagan dinatji
garek ngalak, njarala ngalak bala-bala nindi goorabung
“Our land, our mother, our home
Our footprints connect us to our beautiful lands
Sit quiet, sit and listen to our talk about our future.”
We are the representative organisation of the Ngarigo Peoples of the Monero known to most Australians as the Monaro. ‘The Monaro’ is sometimes used colloquially by Australians as the name for the Monaro High Plain. We a Monero People. Our Country straddles the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria (VIC) and holds a variety of different ecological areas and nationally unique natural and geological features. It is home to a variety of flora and fauna to which we are spiritually and culturally connected. From Mountain Ranges, Snow Plains, thick cool temperate rain-forest to Rivers and Coastal Regions.
There’s been a lot of confusion in the history of Australia, some of which is caused by lack of early anthropological work and also ‘moon-lighting’ anthropologists. How we consider ourselves doesn’t always align with how others see us according to the record.
We encourage any visitors traveling across our country to please make sure you carry water, all weather equipment and a radio as it can be sunny one minute and snowing the next.